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Galah (Rose Breasted) Cockatoo
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Found Cockatoo Story pt2 - Finding the Rightful Owner

Published on February 28, 2019

While I was out in Phoenix with Ginger, the rescue received a call about a Rose Breasted Cockatoo that was found outside in Queek Creek. Ginger went to pick up the bird and took it to an avian veterinarian because the parrot was in dire shape. Once safely being treated at the vet's office, the tedious search for the rightful owner began.

Ginger began by posting about the found cockatoo online and browsed lost parrot listings as well. She began fielding a ton of calls from people who have recently lost a Galah in the vicinity. Ginger had to take down information and carefully consider whose bird it might be as it came without any form of leg band or identification.

Ginger had some of the people looking for their lost cockatoos come and see this found parrot at the vet clinic to check if it is their bird. Unfortunately this time it was not so Ginger continues to search for the true owner while taking the Galah back to the rescue.

Ginger's Parrot Rescue is a 501c3 non-profit in Casa Grande, AZ outside Phoenix. The veterinary cost for saving this parrot's life is very high because of the treatment it required. Please consider donating to the rescue to help support this found bird. And if you have lost a Galah or know somebody who has in the vicinity of Queen Creek, AZ please get in touch with the rescue.

For more updates, to contact, or donate:

Ginger's Parrots Rescue new facility Grand Opening and Open House will be on March 9/10 2019.

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Parrot Wizard is a website for parrot owners seeking to buy perches, trees, bird stands, foraging toys, and trick training props for all kinds of parrots. The Parrot Wizard is well known for producing Parrot Training Perches, NU Perches, and NU Perch Tree Stands. Unique perches for any kind of Parrot, Parrotlet, Parakeet, Lovebird, Cockatiel, Conure, African Grey, Amazon, Eclectus, Cockatoo, or Macaw.