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Does Clipping Wings on a Baby Parrot Teach Them to Stay?

Published on December 22, 2024

Should you clip a baby parrot's wings so that it can learn to stay? Does clipping the wings on a parrot make it more friendly? Do you need to trim wings to be able to train a parrot? This video is about why wing clipping isn't the answer and how to accomplish a friendly well-behaved parrot that uses its flight for good rather than problems.

It is very detrimental to clip a parrot when it is a baby. This is the critical time when the bird is learning how to fly and get around. They are far less likely to get hurt when bumping into things learning to fly as a youngster than when they are older.

On the other hand, we can teach them to stay put more and be less flighty without reverting to clipping their wings. In this video I explain a few of the ways I teach parrots to be less flighty without clipping them.

You can see how Kody the Cape Parrot stays on his perch for me throughout the video despite never having been clipped.

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Learn more about my approach from my book, The Parrot Wizard's Guide to Well-Behaved Parrots.

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Parrot Wizard is a website for parrot owners seeking to buy perches, trees, bird stands, foraging toys, and trick training props for all kinds of parrots. The Parrot Wizard is well known for producing Parrot Training Perches, NU Perches, and NU Perch Tree Stands. Unique perches for any kind of Parrot, Parrotlet, Parakeet, Lovebird, Cockatiel, Conure, African Grey, Amazon, Eclectus, Cockatoo, or Macaw.