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How to Open Pin Feathers on a Small Parrot

Published on August 21, 2024

How do you open pin feathers on a small parrot or parakeet? This video shows how I open pin feathers on my Senegal Parrot's head.

Kili my Senegal Parrot is molting. She is growing new feathers on her head. When new feathers grow on a bird, they emerge as pin feathers. The pin is a protective tube that keeps the growing feather protected inside. When the feather has fully grown and is ready, the parrot typically opens the pin feather with its beak. Parrots open all the pin feathers on their body in this way.

However, a parrot cannot reach the feathers on its own head. They will usually have a mate or another bird in their flock open the pins on their head. In the human household, a parrot may enjoy a person to open the pin feathers on its head.

On a large parrot like a macaw, it is fairly easy to grab the pin feather and rub it between your fingers because the bird and the feather are large. On smaller parrots like a Senegal, Conure, Ringneck, Caique, Cockatiel, or budgie, the pin feathers may be so small that it is difficult to individually grab them. In that case, you can rub the small bird's head with your finger to help open the pin feather. By rubbing the pin feather between your finger and the parrot's head, it will help the pin break open, flake off, and let the new feather out.

My Senegal Parrot looks itchy and will start rubbing the pin feathers on her head with her foot. This is an invitation for me to help her with those pins.

If you are wondering how do I help open pin feathers on my cockatiel? Or how can I help my parakeet with pin feathers on the head? Watch this video about helping any small parrot open pin feathers on the head.

Keep in mind that your parrot must be comfortable with you touching on the head before allowing you to open pin feathers. Learn how to build trust with any parrot big or small through the use of positive reinforcement training:

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